Germana Berlantini (University of Trento, Italy – University of Paris-Nanterre, France)




PhD student at the University of Trento and at the University of Paris Nanterre (lab. IRePh). Graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Turin with a dissertation about Situationism and Guy Debord, she was interested in studying relationships between politics and education, especially with regard to collective behaviors. Now she’s involved in the reinterpretation of the thought of Georges Bataille about the issue of environmental disaster.

She has published Formation et déformation de la vie quotidienne. L’expérience foudroyante de l’Internationale Situationniste («Paideutika», 2012).

Collaborations for Paideutika


  1. Germana Berlantini, Ethic of knowledge and violence of language in Georges Bataille
  2. Germana Berlantini, Formation and deformation of everyday life. The disruptive experience of Situationist International