Notebooks on Education and Culture


40 – New Series – Year XX 2024

Formative Cultures of the Edge

This is an informative webpage: only abstracts are provided.
Open access articles are available at


Editorial by Elena Madrussan


Peter Burke, Outsiders in the History of Knowledge (1500-2000) (edited by Gianluca Giachery)


Enrico Bocciolesi, Between the Subject and Diversity. Pedagogical Issues in a Context of Cultural Decolonisation
Silvano Calvetto, A Glance on the Side. Childhood in the Cinema of Peter Del Monte
Mino Conte, We Need to Imagine the Exile as Happy
Valentina D’Ascanio, For an Education of Memory. The Exile of María Zambrano, between Tragedy and History
Emanuela Mancino, Discreet and Vertiginous Gestures of Repatriation
Marco Milella, Metaphorical and Formative Movements between Margins and Centres
Federico Rovea, Educational Practices in the Margins: A De Certeauian Perspective
Carla Roverselli, Assia Djebar, an Algerian outside Algeria: when being on the margin becomes generative
Mario Vergani, When two Exiles Meet. Essay on Emmanuel Lévinas

Ilaria Barbieri, Ernst Cassirer interprete della Bildung goetheiana
Valentina Della Gala, Historical Consciousness and History Didactics in Jörn Rüsen’s theory of history
Chiara Martinelli,  “Another kind of relationship”. Some Perspectives on Cristina Campo’s Reflections about Nature and Society in Fairytales


Georges Didi-Huberman, Per che obbedire? Piccola conferenza (di Gianmarco Pinciroli)
Elettra Stimilli, Filosofia dei mezzi, per una nuova politica dei corpi (di Silvano Gregorino)
Ferruccio Masini, Brecht e Benjamin. Scienza della letteratura ed ermeneutica materialista (di Gianmarco Pinciroli)
Felice Cimatti, ∃x(fx) Logica della decisione (di Raffaella Diacono)
Marshall McLuhan, L’educazione nell’età elettronica (di Irene Papa)
Romano Alquati, Cultura, formazione e ricerca. Dentro e contro l’industria del sapere (di Silvano Calvetto)
Franco Lorenzoni, Educare controvento. Storie di maestre e maestri ribelli (di Cristina Gatti)

Readings from France

Nicolas Mathieu, Le ciel ouvert (di Marta Baravalle)