A. Mariani, For an ecology of global education

The search for an integrated vision of the community of life can find interpretation and application “beyond the drifts of the present time”, even in a founding and polymorphous human science such as pedagogy. And this on two sides: as global education with an ecological idea of environment and a type of relationship with the same that is able to produce genuine respect and organic understanding of the relations between man and the ‘other-than-self’; as the development of a regulatory device of the global education experience, of which it establishes a model that acts in a hermeneutic-design manner on various fronts of said experience. In fact, located in the centre of these integrated and dynamic processes that characterise the entire “ecosystem”, are the principles of change and metamorphosis that directly and profoundly concern the human education of man.
Starting from this premise, the intention of this paper is to highlight the link between ecology and education. The latter is by now subsuming education and training, raising them to a higher, more complex and more specifically personal level. A notion that is now becoming more incisive and more constant throughout the entire lifespan, more widespread and more current in that twenty-first century indicated precisely as the “century of global education”. In this regard, it is possible to argue that through the “ecological paradigm”, an in-depth reading can be made of the complex global education process, its logic (systemic, tensional and retroactive), its structure (balance, breaking and opening) and its meaning (orderly/restless, real/possible, individual/social).


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