Antonio Colonna, The role of pedagogical action and educational support in care interventions


In this essay, analyzing the psycho-pedagogical themes of the relationship between care and rehabilitation, the author goes into the matter of a central thesis related to the work of health and social professionals, which regards the quality of the relationship between care provider and person under treatment. In fact such “quality” strongly affects the outcome of treatment and of educational intervention. In this sense, this essay clearly refers to that part of epistemological research regarding the circularity of scientific happening, linking such circularity to historical development – since “Law 180” in 1978 – of care services and, more generally, of social and educational services for the person; the themes that emerge regard, then, the centrality of the person; the essentially educational value of such approach; finally, the overcoming of the health paradigm and of the dependency relationship between care provider and person under treatment. This happens within the relationship of assistance between two or more people, and it is clear to all those professionals who, despite the difficulties, strongly keep a perspective of sense and humanity in the approach to their profession.



Published on: Educating in the social N. 25 New Series – Year XIII 2017