“Paideutika. Notebooks on education and culture” n. 33
33 – Telling the Education, otherwise
Publication: beginning of May, 2021
Submissions deadline: October 31th, 2020
Journal approval: within November 20th, 2020
First peer review’s outcome: within December 15th, 2020
E-mail: rivista@paideutika.it
Texts that do not respect the Editorial Guidelines will not be taken into consideration.
The proposals received beyond the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
It is recommended to inspect the Aims, the Policies and the Ethical Guidelines of the Journal.
The issue is almost closed.
The languages, the modes and the words through which education is told, written and said, derive and make – at the same time – as many places of education. However, to start the investigation from them means to reverse the perspective from which education is usually seen, told, studied. Because this implies assuming the texts and the situations passed through education, instead of starting from the places in which education is the main topic.
Therefore, the idea of this focus is to relate the pedagogical discourse to those forms of educative knowledge that don’t name education in a conventional sense, but which use a discursivity and an expressivity not already fully ruled in the pedagogical fields. Therefore, it’s about to bring into focus the tools, the modes, the expressive practices that – with typical words and languages – tell education as a landing place – maybe implicit but powerful – up to pointing out some meanings that are usually unforeseen.
In these cases, in fact, the words related to education preserve the complex dynamics of its meaning, highlight its problematicity and its urgency, warning those who use them in order to avoid unappropriated reductionism, or naïve and misleading positions. The result aims at finding a way of saying the educative act that, de facto, makes unused questions to the pedagogical field.
The places created by these words become, thus, as many places of reflection on the ways education can be read or lived, witnessed or brought into play, lost or recovered, threaten or enhanced.
So that, losing sight of what education is beyond the more obvious pedagogical background, may signify also to lose sight of behaviours, ethical outlooks, worldviews, that – at a closer look – reveal themselves as precious horizons of inquire.