Elsa Maria Bruni, The meaning of educational action and relationship training


A questioning on the meaning of education and educating process involves, now more than ever, countless issues related to both theory and training practices. This article investigates this theme by adopting a new direction of educational research, which emerged as a result of the affirmation of a new epistemology combined with the crisis of technical rationality governing the way training is thought and performed.
Such a reflection starts from the assumption that an educational action finds its meaning and its raison d’être when it is anchored to, and consistent with, historic-experiential and socio-temporal parameters in which it is inscribed. This reflection, by using historical-pedagogical research tools, deconstructs and recomposes the model of rational training, focusing on relationality and its relevance to the education-training process. According to this propensity, special attention must be paid to the analysis of instruments and forms of communication for education in the many different places where each person lives his/her existence, with the aim of achieving a new ethic of the educational agency.


Published on: Sense and action in education, N. 21 New series – Anno XI 2015