Elvezio Pirfo
is Director of the Department of Mental Health “G. Maccacaro” of ASL2 of Turin, Director of Psychiatric Services inside the Prison of Turin and Consultant of the Judge at the Court of the same city. He is professor of social psychiatry at the School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology at the University of Turin. He was President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (sect. Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta) and is Director of the School of Community Psychiatry. He is the author of numerous works published on national and international journals and collective volumes. Among his recent publications: La salute mentale in carcere (2006), Psichiatria di Comunità e Psichiatria Sociale in Italia: nodi critici attuali e futuri; Pathogenetic Implications and Clinical Guideness for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Desease (2005); La cura dei disturbi psichici in carcere come contributo al superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (2005); Compliance, persistence, costs and quality of life in young patients treated with antipsychotic drugs (2013).
Collaborations for Paideutika