Fabio Merlini


is regional director of the seat of Italian Switzerland of the Federal University Institution for Education. Since 2010 he has been head of Eranos Foundation. He has co-directed, at the Husserl Archives of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, the Groupe de Recherche sur l’Ontologie de l’Histoire, whose seminar works have been published in three volumes by Vrin (Paris, 1998, 2001, 2004). He has taught philosophy of culture and epistemology of the humanities at the University of Lausanne and has been a visiting professor at several universities. He is coauthor of the “Cahier de l’Herne” dedicated to Nietzsche (Paris, 2000) for the hundredth anniversary of his death. He has published the volumes: La comunicazione interrotta. Etica e politica nel tempo della Rete (2004); L’efficienza insignificante. Saggio sul disorientamento (2009); translated in French by the Editions du Cerf in Paris (2011); Schizotopies. Essai sur l’espace de la mobilisation (2010). With the architect Luigi Snozzi he has recently published L’architettura inefficiente (2015). He has also co-edited the volumes Nuove tecnologie e nuove sensibilità (2005), Identità e alterità. Tredici esercizi di comprensione (2006), Per una cultura della formazione al lavoro. Studi e analisi sulla crisi dell’identità professionale (2010).


Collaborations for Paideutika


  1. Fabio Merlini, Pendelbewegung der Bildungskonzepte Athen und Sparta: zwei Allegorien der Paideia
  2. Fabio Merlini, Horizons of sense in time