Gianmarco Pinciroli, Criticism about freedom of education. Adorno’s material
This essay defines the concept of freedom of education on the basis of the question “which subject considers the education gesture as having a non-reified meaning?” and, by using Adorno’s theoretical material, on the basis of a criticism of the concept of freedom; even if he never explicitly thematised a specific detailed and systematic point of view about Education, Adorno – at least from the 50s until just before he died – felt the need to empirically intervene on some issues such as television, education after Auschwitz, teacher status, and debarbarization. Although sometimes only marginally, these themes posed a question in original terms – at least for those years – about the goal of an education aimed at creating a disalienated man.
Published on: The teachers and the freedom in teaching N. 26 Nuova Serie – Anno XIII 2017