Irene Papa (University of Rome-Tor Vergata, Italy)


PhD student in Education (Cultural Heritage, Education and Territory) at the University of Rome Tor-Vergata. Her main field of research is on the relationships between power, knowledge and education, with particular reference to the developments of Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. After the Master Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Turin, with a dissertation in General Education on the relationship between authority and freedom in educational processes, she worked and currently works as freelance translator.

She has published: About education and cinema: limits and possibilities in «Rivista Scuola IaD. Modelli, Politiche, R&T», 13/14, 2017; Education between authority and freedom. “This is England”: an example of education “at risk” in «Paideutika. Quaderni di formazione e cultura», 27, XIV-2018; A look inside the college walls. Some trails for reflection in «Paideutika. Quaderni di formazione e cultura», 29, XV-2019, Schoolmates in British and Italian post-war cinema: two examples for a historical study in “Studium Educationis”, 3, XXI, 2020.

Collaborations for Paideutika

  1. Irene Papa, A look inside the college walls. Some trails of reflection.
  2. Irene Papa, Education between authority and freedom.