Notebooks on education and culture

31 – New Series – Year XVI 2019

Methods and practices, histories and perspectives

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Cristina Palmieri, Thinking Method from a Pedagogical Point of View. Professional Scenario, Critical Deconstruction, and Practical Orientations

Rossella Raimondo, Disability and Childhood in the Asylum of Bologna: Continuity and Changes during the Nineteenth Century (1811-1902)

Alessandra Sara Stanizzi, Towards the frontier. Women and the bourgeois Spirit which educated the Far West

Margherita Cardellini, Skin colors labels used by Italian primary school’s children. How are multi or mono-ethnic classrooms influenced by intercultural educative projects?

Vincenza Costantino, Theater as an educational space. Suggestions for a theatrical education

Scilla Altavista, An outline of the relations between language and education in phenomenological pedagogy

Marco Russo, Biography and Cosmogony in Scheler


Rubrica di Fulvio Papi 


Paul Guillibert, The problem of naturalism. Philosophy facing political ecology



Giorgio Agamben, Ontologia e politica (by Gianmarco Pinciroli)

Nicola Curcio, (a cura di), Franco Volpi filosofo e amico; Giovanni Gurisatti, Antonio Gnoli, (a cura di), Franco Volpi. Il pudore del pensiero (by Gianluca Giachery)

Gianni Celati, Narrative in fuga (by Gianmarco Pinciroli)

Eugen Fink, Introduzione alla pedagogia sistematica (by Gianluca Giachery)


Readings from France

Céline Huyghebaert, Le drap blanc (by Marta Baravalle)


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