Andrea Ranieri



was born in Sarzana on 13th July 1943. Son of the partisan Paolino Ranieri. He got a degree in philosophy with a thesis about Frantz Fanon. In Pisa he took part in the birth of Lotta Continua. In 1972 he joined the PDUP and started a friendship with Vittorio Foa which lasted until Vittorio’s death. When the PDUP was dissolved he went back to school and started a long militancy in CGIL where he was general secretary of Liguria from 1989 to 1996 and national secretary of the Federation for education and research from 1996 to 2001, cooperating closely with Bruno Trentin. He entered the secretariat of DS as person in charge of the policies of knowledge. Senator of the Republic from 2006 to 2008. Councilor for culture and innovation in Genoa from 2008 to 2012. Currently he is member of the leadership of PD with Pippo Civati. He has written in newspapers, journals, books concerning the organization of work, school and policies of culture and research. In particular it is worth remembering three works which summarize his thought and what he attempted to do: Il sapere e il lavoro (1996); Il tempo del sapere, con Vittorio Foa (2000); I luoghi del sapere (2006).


Collaborations for Paideutika


  1. Andrea Ranieri, Per una politica della conoscenza
  2. Andrea Ranieri, The sense of politics
  3. Andrea Ranieri, Per una politica della conoscenza – Paideutika N. 6 – Nuova serie – Anno III – 2007