Rita Fadda

Rita Fadda is Professor of Education at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy at the University of Cagliari. Scholar of the thought of Gaston Bachelard and the relationships between Education and epistemology, she has then dedicated several volumes to the theme of education in psychiatry and teaching, with particular attention to the thought and work of L. Binswanger. Her more recent studies range from hermeneutics as a possible approach to pedagogy, to the theme of the crisis of the subject of modernity and to the problem of otherness and difference, to the foundations of care in pedagogy, to the concepts of life, existence and time as ontological background of educational and training processes, until the final works regarding the theme of the stranger, the human condition between emptiness, existence and care, to reach then the issue of death, its removal and the urgent need to create a pedagogy of death.


Collaborations for Paideutika


  1. Rita Fadda, From the existence as pathos of difference to the domain of indifference. Feeling and acting as places of sense