Gilberto Scaramuzzo, Luigi Pirandello’s alive point. An educational mystery
The paper deals with a space of the human interiority which Pirandello names: “punto vivo” (alive point). Taking into account two pieces of his work: Uno, nessuno e centomila (One, no one and one hundred thousand) and Non parlo di me (I don’t speak about me) – a seldom read essay –, the paper argues in what sense the “alive point” can be the key to answer some of the most challenging of Pirandello’s questions: if our reality is in the forms that other people give to us and in the one that one gives to the Self, is there a human form which pre-exists to these forms? And – if this is the case – what is its nature and its needs?
Pubblicato su: Geografie del corpo, N. 18 Nuova Serie – Anno IX 2013